Computer Pranks Features

How To: Prank your friends into thinking their computer has had a major DOS error

DOS may be a distant memory for most computer users at this point, but for many it will always be the first thing that pops into their head when they ponder PC computing. Nowadays, the only time most people see anything that even looks like DOS is if they're playing old PC games in a shell or something has gone very, very wrong with their computer. With this prank, you can make your friend believe that the latter has happened to them! All you do is open the DOS command program (Windows XP or ...

How To: Prank someone's computer by creating a fake wallpaper

Does one of your coworkers at the office really make you mad? Do you want to mess with them at the office without having to destroy any property? This video can help. It will show you how to quickly create a fake wallpaper on someone's computer with Windows XP, which will infuriate them for a long time if they aren't very computer-saavy or familiar with this prank. Try it out and marvel at the hilarious results.

How To: Pull the exploding door prank

This simple technique to creating a bang when people open a door is sure to scare the daylights out of your friends. Using party poppers, you can take them apart and tie them across a door entry. When a person enters, the poppers explode. There are great reaction shots on this video as welll.

How To: Prank someone by thinking their computer is unresponsive

If you'd like to play a nice little prank on someone, this next tutorial will show you a quick and easy one. This involves messing around with someone's computer and in no way will it harm or crash the computer. But, if the person you are playing the prank on gets mad easily, then you might think twice. It involves taking a picture of the shut down, restart, standy-by screen and placing it as the desktop screen. Check out the video and enjoy!

How To: Make a folder invisible and hide it for a computer prank

The My Computer section of most PC computers is an absolute mess, especially if you're trying to navigate someone else's computer. Why not take advantage of this fact by pulling this awesome prank on one of your data-loving friends? The video above will show you how to make a folder invisible and then hide it on their computer, making the chances of them finding it without knowing that you've pranked them slim to none. Just make sure you're there to watch you victim freak out afterwards! That...

How To: Prank an optical mouse by replacing the laser and right-click with a toy

The mouse is the primary tool most people use for accessing their computer and the vast stores of information on the Internet. Wouldn't it be funny if instead of allowing you to click icons on the computer screen, your mouse just lit up and made noises when you pressed it buttons? Well now you can prank a friend's optical mouse and make it so. This video will show you how to do it using only a mouse, simple tools, and a light-up, noisemaking keychain cow toy. Prank an optical mouse by replaci...

How To: Prank the entire world online on April Fool's Day with a fake story

Aprils Fool's Day is, as the creator of this video so insightfully points out, the only day of the year where you can make up something completely outrageous, tell everyone it's true, then laugh and tell them that it's fake later. This video will show you how to take advantage of this fact and get some laughs by creating a fake online news sensation. By using blogs, fake video testimonials, and calling news stations, you can convince the world of nearly anything, if only for a short time.

How To: Pull a prank on your fellow players in Garry's Mod

Garry's Mod is one of the most popular mods of all time, and has extended the life of the SOURCE Engine family of games by years despite their fairly outdated technology. THis video will teach you how to pull a great prank on your fellow multiplayer players online by creating a level full of comical traps for them to trigger and be confounded by while you laugh and enjoy your pwnage. Pull a prank on your fellow players in Garry's Mod.

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