Planting a little lawn in a coworker's keyboard is a nice way to welcome him back from vacation. ...
This video shows you how to do the easy chili sauce prank with an empty chili sauce bottle and red string. ...
Prank someone at the office by setting up an upside down mug with coffee inside. Once they lift the cup, the coffee will spill everywhere. ...
Pull this prank your co-workers or fellow computer geeks! Make a confetti bomb out of a 35mm film canister. ...
Get the Opazity plugin from Now you can make someon's PowerPoint presentation blurry. ...
Some tricks which you can play to your coworkers in the office including: turning Windows on to high contrast mode, creating a fake desktop, and pulling a fake delete prank. ...
Here is a simple trick you can play on your friends by pressing only 3 keys. Set Windows to High Contrast mode and ugly up someone's desktop. ...
This is actually a really easy and fun prank to pull off. What it does is simply switch the right click on your mouse, to the left click, and switch the left click, to the right click. Confused yet? F ...
Check out this cheap and easy trick you can play on your friends and family. Put a piece of scotch tape over the bottom of the mouse and it won't work. ...